There will be four volunteer workdays in October, the focus of which will be the rehoming of our resident newt population. We need to prepare all the pier bases for restoration and it is likely that there will be Great Crested Newts loving in the cracks in the brickwork. The newts need to be rehoused into new newt shelters of hibernaculae.
These workdays will take place at the following dates and times.
Wednesday 23rd Oct – Pier bases – Newt relocation 9:30 am – 3:30 pm
Thursday 24th Oct – Pier Bases – Newt Relocation 9:30 am – 3:30 pm
Friday 25th Oct – Pier Bases – Newt Relocation 9:30 am – 3:30 pm
Saturday 26th Oct. – Pier bases – Newt relocation. 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
This work will involve the following. Removing loose brickwork (strenuous) Stacking and cleaning loose brickwork, (Moderate) Digging out pathways around pier bases, Strenuous Constructing 6 hibernacula (Moderate) Clearing all debris from pier bases. Making all surfaces sound ready for contractors. Clearing all vegetation from around the pier bases. |

The workdays will take place under the supervision of a licensed ecologist as Great Crested Newts are a protected species. Please contact Kieran at if you want to take part. There are currently spaces on Friday 25th and Saturday 26th. Please be on time for the start of the sessions as there will be a briefing for participants prior to work taking place.
This work has to take place prior to October 31st as a pre commencement planning condition. If the newts are not safely rehoused prior to the 31st, there will be a considerable delay to the works. Your help is therefore critical to the project. Out thanks go to those who have already volunteered. Please get in touch if you can support on either the Friday or Saturday.